Seller Articles

Entrepreneurs are typically dynamic and driven individuals who play a critical role in driving innovation. However, to succeed, they must leverage their strengths while being mindful of their weaknesses. By understanding both, entrepreneurs can maximize their potential and build more sustainable businesses. Strengths of Entrepreneurs Flexibility and Positive Attitudes Entrepreneurs are highly resilient and maintain a positive outlook, even in challenging situations. These traits help them navigate market shifts, customer needs, and unforeseen obstacles with confidence. Creativity and Willingness...

Multiples can be tricky to figure out when valuing a business. Lots of opinions float around, most stemming from imperfect information. For example, Aunt Agatha’s hairdressers say that her husband’s cousin sold his widget manufacturer for three million dollars based on a multiple of five. What the hairdresser didn’t mention is that this price included $800,000 worth of inventory – an amount well above the industry average. Misunderstanding the details of a deal can lead...

Many businesses have a product or service that’s performing reasonably well, perhaps even thriving, but doesn’t quite align with the company’s core offerings. It’s often called an “orphaned” product—a good or service that is disconnected from the company’s main focus. If you find yourself in this situation, don’t panic. It’s more common than you might think. In fact, there are many buyers, from individual investors to private equity firms, actively seeking product lines that can...

For many New Mexico small business owners, selling a business is one of the most challenging and complex financial decisions they’ll face. More than just a source of income, a business often represents years of hard work, dedication, and personal accomplishment. Finding the right buyer and structuring a mutually beneficial deal can be both emotional and complicated. As the most well-established firm among New Mexico business brokers, Sam Goldenberg & Associates has been helping small business...

When buying or selling a business, “goodwill” often comes up in discussions. Most buyers and sellers understand that goodwill refers to the intangible assets of a business—its brand reputation, loyal customer base, long-standing vendor relationships, and community presence. What’s less clear is how to value goodwill. While it’s straightforward to set a fair market value on tangible assets, putting a dollar value on something as intangible as customer loyalty can present a more challenging concept. A...

If your business interacts with customers, it’s inevitable that at some point, you will receive customer complaints or negative feedback. The key to turning these situations into opportunities is how you handle them. Ignoring or dismissing customer complaints can damage your brand’s reputation and customer loyalty. However, addressing these issues effectively can improve your operations, boost customer satisfaction, and even create positive PR for your business. Here’s how to approach customer feedback and complaints in...

Selling a business is an exciting process, but it also involves a degree of complexity and preparation that may come as a surprise. Sam Goldenberg & Associates works diligently to prepare the business prospectus, present a high-level of overview its financial performance, and launch it on the various online businesses-for-sale platforms. While these are all critical first steps, most business buyers will have a lot of follow-up questions. It’s more surprising when they don’t. Buyers aren’t...

Before delving into the specific steps that benefit business owners who are looking to sell quickly, it’s crucial to understand the buyer’s viewpoint. For many buyers, purchasing a business is a once-in-a-lifetime event, often involving significant personal and financial risk. Therefore, sellers must take proactive steps to ensure their business is as appealing and risk-free as possible.  There are three key areas to focus on for a successful exit:  Prioritizing Pre-Diligence Reducing Perceived Risk Engaging the Right Professionals By focusing...

While learning that you have a serious buyer for your business may feel like a cause for celebration, it’s important to hold off on the champagne. The journey from a buyer expressing interest to a finalized sale involves several steps, and your business broker or M&A advisor will play a crucial role in guiding you through the process. Step 1: Preparing the Offer Once a buyer is genuinely interested in your business, your broker will help you...

Buyers and sellers’ viewpoints may diverge on what a business is worth. Different priorities, emotions, and approaches to valuation can create a gap between what sellers believe their business is worth and what buyers are willing to pay. When both parties have a clear picture of the business’s financial health and potential, they are more likely to arrive at a mutually agreeable valuation. [su_spacer size="10"] Emotional Attachment vs. Objective Evaluation For many sellers, their business often represents years...

Selling a business is an exciting milestone, but it also comes with complexities that may catch you off guard. At Sam Goldenberg & Associates, we collaborate closely with you to prepare a compelling business prospectus, provide a high-level overview of financial performance, and launch your listing across various online platforms. These critical first steps lay the foundation, but they’re just the beginning. Many prospective buyers will follow up with additional, detailed questions—and it’s surprising when...

As a business owner, one of your ongoing priorities should be finding ways to save money. Ultimately, this will boost your bottom line and make your business more attractive to buyers. Let’s take a look at some strategies to run a more efficient and cost-effective business.  1. Consolidate Services for Better Deals There are many clever ways to save money, and some are easier than others. One simple strategy is to consolidate your service providers. By choosing...

With 3.65 million baby boomers reaching retirement age every year, a historic number of small business owners are looking to pass the torch. As impressive as that number is, according to the International Business Brokers Association (IBBA), only about 20% to 30% of businesses brought to market every actually find a buyer. [su_spacer size="5"] That’s a sobering statistic. [su_spacer size="5"] While you can point to rising interest rates, tight labor markets, recent inflation, and evolving buyer expectations, the reality...

Most business owners fret about whether they are asking too much or not enough for their goods or services. This dilemma keeps many prospective sellers up at night. Ask too much, and you may fail to attract enough customers; ask too little, and you’re cutting yourself short. In this article, we’ll examine how to determine if you are charging the right amount for your goods and services. Many business owners begin working with an M&A advisor...

The market of buyers for small Main Street businesses, not only in New Mexico but throughout the United States, is dynamic and steadily evolving. Over the past decade, demographic shifts, broader economic trends, and evolving buyer motivations have had an effect on the types of businesses sought out. Just as before, buyers look for businesses that have strong and reliable financial performance, but an ever-growing pool of buyers look for opportunities that they can bring...