
Before delving into the specific steps that benefit business owners who are looking to sell quickly, it’s crucial to understand the buyer’s viewpoint. For many buyers, purchasing a business is a once-in-a-lifetime event, often involving significant personal and financial risk. Therefore, sellers must take proactive steps to ensure their business is as appealing and risk-free as possible.  There are three key areas to focus on for a successful exit:  Prioritizing Pre-Diligence Reducing Perceived Risk Engaging the Right Professionals By focusing...

Most business owners fret about whether they are asking too much or not enough for their goods or services. This dilemma keeps many prospective sellers up at night. Ask too much, and you may fail to attract enough customers; ask too little, and you’re cutting yourself short. In this article, we’ll examine how to determine if you are charging the right amount for your goods and services. Many business owners begin working with an M&A advisor...

After a rocky end to 2022, this year kicked off with favorable market trends and signs that demand for acquiring small businesses is rebounding. BizBuySell, a leading online businesses-for-sale marketplace, recently found in its analysis of sales data and survey of business brokers around the country that a rise of 4.8% in the volume of small business acquisitions in Q1 2023 over Q4 2022 shows promise of a recovering market after three consecutive quarterly declines....

Santa Fe Restaurant Week kicks off on February 20th and lasts through March 3rd.  After a two-year hiatus, this popular annual event resumes with 31 restaurants participating. Anchoring Santa Fe's winter schedule, it's an opportunity for local chefs to showcase their talents with prix fixe dinners and lunches. Featuring a range of price points, Santa Fe foodies as well as those just looking to socialize with friends get to partake in a range of cuisines...

ARTICLE BY: NAOMI JOHNSON If you are a small business owner, chances are you’ve never experienced anything quite like the challenges created by the pandemic. Maybe your business has been closed since March, or maybe you’ve been allowed to reopen at a limited capacity. Whatever the circumstances, it’s essential to prepare for the future—a future where your business is up and running, whether it’s at full capacity or not. For you to be adequately prepared, not only...

Pledges $1 Billion Investment and Additional 1,000 Jobs Today, New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham and Albuquerque Mayor Tim Keller together with Netflix Co-CEO Ted Sarandos announced that Netflix, the world’s leading internet entertainment service, plans to boost its presence in the state by expanding ABQ Studios and committing to an additional $1 billion in production spend. The expansion will add 300 acres to the company’s existing space at ABQ Studios, located in Albuquerque’s Mesa Del Sol...

Today, the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) released data on the size and scope of the outdoor recreation industry in the U.S. and in New Mexico. In New Mexico, the updated data show that the outdoor economy contributed $2.4 billion to the state's GDP in 2019 (2.2% of GDP). According to the report, 35,065 people were employed in this sector, with $1.2 billion in total income. At the national level, the data shows that the outdoor recreation...

The New Mexico MainStreet (NMMS) program announced today that six districts are using ‘Cash Mob’ virtual events to support local businesses during the pandemic and upcoming holiday season. Events are hosted on Facebook Live where participants bid on items, arrange payment and socialize during the fun two-hour session. Lively hosts entertain and educate as they sell items and encourage viewers to shop locally to contribute to their communities. This year, ‘Cash Mob’ has helped businesses...

A recent study by Wharton’s Jay H. Baker Retailing Center and WisePlum suggests rising consumer frustration with retail as shopping shifts online. The survey-based study, “The New Reality: Understanding the Retail Consumer Experience During a Pandemic,” finds mounting customer impatience and decreased loyalty. In a Knowledge@Wharton interview, the study's co-author, Marketing Professor Thomas Robertson, says these findings are related to underprepared online shopping and loyalty program customer experience and the tech that underpins it. The Challenge We...

Major congratulations to the Santa Fean, the Essential Guide, and Kelly and Martin Haug, who acquired both publications this Spring. We are so thrilled to have facilitated the transfer of ownership of these wonderful publications! We are confident that both will continue their legacies of value for Santa Fe and Northern New Mexico and thrive under the Haugs' stewardship. The Essential Guide spotlights Northern New Mexico art, shopping, recreation, entertainment, and lifestyle options for locals...

Congratulations to Albuquerque small businesses! According to a recent study conducted by e-commerce company Square, Albuquerque's Main Street businesses ranked Number 1 in increased rate of e-commerce adoption following the COVID-19 outbreak. The ranking signals Albuquerque businesses' agility and grit. "We’re inspired every day by the ingenuity of small businesses in the face of a rapidly evolving environment," writes Square. "They’re pivoting business models, building online operations in days, and even selling completely new products to...

By: Elena Stewart If you run a small business, chances are you’ve been put in a very uncertain position since COVID-19 reared its ugly head. But despite the obvious and many challenges that the current situation has put forth, the fact is, there’s still more than one way to keep your business going and even thriving during this dark time and whatever will come after. Let’s take a closer look at the measures you can take. Take...

Can you make money and follow your dreams? Yes! A recent article at Entrepreneur posits a framework for deciding if you might be able to turn your hobby into a business. The piece (very reasonably) revolves around the potential for monetization. "Even if you’re pursuing this mostly because of your passion," writes SEO.co CRO Timothy Carter, "you’ll still need a stream of income to offset your costs and keep the business running." Uncontroversial! Carter suggests the following...

The most up-to-date economic information for the State of New Mexico, including all 33 counties, is now available on the Economic Development Department website. The County Reports project is an initiative by the EDD to offer more comprehensive data about spending, unemployment, and wages to local communities, Cabinet Secretary Alicia J. Keyes said. The most recent data covers the last three months of fiscal year 2020 – April, May, and June. The reports are available here. “We know this...

As businesses re-open offices and welcome employees back from working from home, office safety is a huge concern for many business owners and HR leaders. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce suggests these 10 practical and actionable ideas on how offices can adapt to the coronavirus era. Capacity signage Social distancing can be challenging in offices that previously packed in workers. Custom-made capacity signs can help control how many people are in various spaces. Offices may have had...