
What Exactly Do You Buy When You Buy a New Mexico Business? SGA will help you understand the type of transaction it is. The vast majority of business purchases we facilitate are defined as “asset” purchases. An asset purchase specifically identifies the assets and liabilities you are purchasing or assuming. Sometimes business owners own their assets inside a corporation. The owner owns Stock in the corporation, while the corporation owns the assets. A buyer typically forms their own legal entity, such as an LLC or S Corporation, to purchase the assets from the seller’s corporation.

Typically business buyers contact us after first seeing our listings posted on our site or one of the other major internet businesses for sale portals, such as the, or BizBuySell com. Before providing specific information regarding the businesses that we list, we always ask you to sign a  Nondisclosure Agreement (NDA). The purpose of the NDA is protect the business for sales' confidential on-market status. An NDA prevents you from revealing this status to...

“Deep-pocketed investors often set aside money to buy into private equity funds.  Such investments tend to be riskier but can generate higher returns than stocks or bonds.  Here are some of the key players and terms in the world of private equity investments. • Private equity firms: A broad category.  It includes venture capitalists and buyout specialists who raise money from limited partners and use it to help companies develop products and markets. • Limited partners: Investors in venture...

There still aren’t too many ways to finance the purchase of a business. Here are the primary methods: Buyer Financing Some buyers may have the cash available to purchase the business. Some may elect to use the equity in their residence, or other real estate. Others may have other assets that they can sell or borrow against. Bank Financing Banks may lend against a buyer’s assets as described above. They may also lend against the assets of the business,...